The Irregular Writers Collective is comprised of a diverse group of writers, each with their own particular skills, strengths and quirks. Check out the Gallery below to find out more...
Sarah Bailey is a Criminology and Applied Psychology graduate and has been writing fiction since filling her notebook with adventure stories at the age of eight. Best known for her series of police procedurals featuring the volatile yet compassionate DS Richard Vega, her first novel, The Names of the Dead, was published by Penguin Verlag in January 2018. She is currently working on her second novel, The Hidden.
Michael Benenson is a playwright, director and poet, teaching in London, living in Yalding. Publication includes the play Alman Ape (a tribute to John Berryman, pub Los Poetry Press, Cambridge, 1983), and the first stage adaptation of D.H. Lawrence's The Rocking-Horse Winner (Macmillan, 1990). Eight-times winner of the ISA Drama Competition.
Louisa Campbell hangs around English spa towns. Medically retired from psychiatric nursing, she writes and adopts stray dogs. Angels is previously published on the curated fiction website, Fiction on the Web. She is best known for her poetry. Her pamphlet The Happy Bus was published by Picaroon Poetry in 2017, and The Ward by Paper Swans Press in 2018.
Mick Canning is the author of one published novel, Making Friends with the Crocodile, and is currently working on another set in India. There are also a couple of unfinished novels scattered around his hard drive. He writes short stories and occasional poetry. His blog is well stocked with pearls of wisdom. Mick is married and is father and grandfather to quite a considerable tribe.
Richard Crosfield is the author of Columbus: A Discoverer and his Conscience; Maya and Castilán: Travels in the Lands of the Maya, and The Life and Times of the Inventor John Crosfield. His latest book is Masks & Other Stories from Colombia. He has lived in the United States, Colombia and Spain and presently resides in Tunbridge Wells.
Phillip Drown published his debut novel, The Reputation of Booya Carthy, in 2015, the story of a fictional blues singer, set in depression-era Mississippi. Phillip also publishes short stories on his website, alongside his popular Tales From a Record Shop series. One of these, The Weight of Nothing, was included in Kerry Barner's Best of The Short Story: Volume 2. He lives in Kent, where he also runs a record shop.
Ita Ekhaletruo was born in warm and sunny Helsinki. He has since lived in a number of other just as exotic countries over the years, though currently resides in Leeds. He is an aspiring writer, with a degree background in the biosciences and works in the pharma industry, which has helped to fuel his science-fiction writing. He also writes in the genres of fantasy and horror, though mixing the two always produces the best results for him and the fortunate readers.
Katrina Ray Flett indulges in all manner of writing, from short stories to novels via blogs and acerbic poetry. When not chained to her laptop she can be found at festivals, occasionally performing in exchange for beer, or people-watching and drinking at same. She and a multitude of notebooks live surrounded by music, books and neuroses. Her first solo collection Jewels and Bones is released Spring 2019.
Paul Gunn trained in theatre performance at the Paris studio of Phillipe Gaulier and Monika Pagneux. He has worked on stage and television in a number of roles. He moved to Tunbridge Wells in 2016 and has recently released an album of music and songs of his own composition, A Beekeeper's Garden, with his band of international musicians. He occasionally writes words.
David Hensley is a writer and poet. He is haunted by several unfinished novels and is Chairman of the Kent & Sussex Poetry Society.
Sophie Kersey worked in book publishing for thirty years and is now a freelance editor and writer. Her articles have appeared in counselling and parenting magazines and in US collection Enduring Love. She is the author of local history book The History of Halstead School. Her first novel, Unspeakable Things is a dark mystery/thriller about motherhood and madness.
Zin Murphy is a retired translator who worked in Italy for many years. His social science fiction e-books include Linehan's Trip, SuperOldie and Goodbye, Padania. His first full-length novel, Revolution Number One, is set in Portugal in the 1970s.
Justin Richardson writes in single spaced Trebuchet font, 12 point. He uses Pages version 7.0.1 on an early 2015 13” MacBook Air. It currently runs High Sierra. He is the editor of the Irregular Stories anthology, and needs three things in order to write: coffee, chocolate and regrettably, nicotine.
Pauline Tensen is a translator and writes poetry and fiction. The island where she spent many summers is one of her sources of inspiration, as well as other places she has lived in and travelled to. She lived for many years in Spain.
More Irregular Bios coming soon...