About Us - Irregular Writers Collective at Tunbridge Wells

Who we are
We are a collective of writers of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and plays based in Tunbridge Wells. Our objective is to help writers write and get published and have fun along the way.
What we do
We meet on alternate Tuesdays of every month from 7.45 pm onward at the Trading Post, Tunbridge Wells. See Whats On for more details. We keep in touch via our Facebook page. All members are invited to contribute toward our objectives.
To help writers write
Providing constructive feedback is very much a part of our ethos. We believe that this is the best way to improve one's work. You may want to read at our meetings, or peryou would like to to get an in-depth feedback of your work, in which case you'll find that many of us are willing to help. To share our writing in an informal way and have some fun, we dedicate some meetings to themes - flash fiction, fan fiction, short poetry and haikus and more. Around Hallowe'en each of us may read a short story, poem or play on the theme of Fright Night.
To help writers get published
We are not literary agents or commercial publishers. But that doesn't mean that we can't help each other to get published. One way is via our own publication programme. Another is by learning from members who have published their work with a commercial publisher or self-published. We also ask literary agents and publishers to join, periodically, our meetings.
Our Publications
Each year we publish a collection of short stories, both in print and as e-book. This project is overseen by our Editor, who is responsible for selecting a theme and determining the word count, as well as moderating the quality of the contents. Support in reading submissions may also come from other members of the Collective.
We look forward to publishing other collections of works by members, producing podcasts and also welcome suggestions for any other publishing projects.
Your Publications
The Collective recognises the important role that publicity plays in getting new titles known to the general public. Every member is encouraged to use their own websites etc. to promote members' works. Any member can propose that their work be promoted on the IWC website.
Subscriptions for full members are currently £15 per year.
New members are accepted subject to the approval of the Committee and payment of the membership fee. They must be over 18. Prospective members are invited to attend a meeting before deciding on whether to join.
For details of how to become a full member, associate member and honorary member, please see the Membership section. You can download the Membership form and bye-laws here.
Our Committee
The Collective is managed by a Committee elected by full members at the Annual General Meeting. The two Co-Chairs are Sarah Bailey and Katrina Flett.
IWC Constitution
You can download our constitution by clicking here.